Friday, March 18, 2005

it's quite sad

i need a movie buddy. ansley ar! rather go home and sleep.. haha. but yimei.. i've got nothing much to say. i'll get over it lah anway. kinda my fault too lah huh. what i need is prolly a classmate buddy too..

i'm going swimming later~

i'm still feeling kinda sick from that big sip of packeted chocolate soya bean milk. and it was two hours ago. yeah. so it sucks big time. don't ever drink it! it made me feel like puking.

haha.. i'm so a failed blogger. the diary is prolly better for me.. then again maybe i just need some more getting used to.

i wonder where did "prolly" come from..

Thursday, March 17, 2005


do i always get the flu blues..
the watery eyes and the uncontrollable sneezes.

haha. not all the time but its bad enough.

today's thursday.. 3 more days to finish my hw.

i need a haircut.. its been lets see... august04 to march05.. how many months le? haha.. I
can still vividly remember that my last haircut was on national day. In a rush i pulled on a red shirt and a demin skirt, and when i got onto the train i realised half the ppl there were in red. How embarassing. I guess they were on their way to kallang. Oh well. I look patriotic what right.. haha.

hmm. quite shocking ar.. That more students
need counselling and dunno how per cent are suicidal.. haha.. but i was half alsp during the news anyway.

I'm still feeling too lazy to link more ppl.

now thats seriously some paragrahs with absolutely no link.