Thursday, June 22, 2006

bloody blogger deleted half my half time POST!!!!!!!! ARGH. WHY?? damnit.

and it keeps the lame last line and deletes everything in between. -___-

half time.

"messi! waiting for the support to arrive in the middle. its still messi!"

"this is messi!"

"its now messi."


it took me a while to realise that the commentator didnt mean that the tackle was messy. nor that the game is messy.

i swear one of the spectators has that squeaky tongue thing we bought in brisbane during the band trip.

for half the games i watch, i find myself rooting for the underdogs. aha. other than during the brazil-australia match. i think ronaldinho's my favourite brazilian player. aha. good feel about him. in contrast, ronaldo looks as though hes going to retire soon. poor guy really. all the criticism and media pressure he's under. he shouldn't have gotten himself so fat.

still feel sore from missing the england match yesterday. i can't believe im staying up for this match when i didnt stay up for yesterday's. i spent like an hour trying to search for hints of any repeat telecast on SCTV. but the whole damn site was in malay. which i thought was indonesian, but the fact that any word (2 actually, tayang and permain) i quoted from the site into the online indonesian-english-indonesian dictionary resulted in a no entry was found that matches your word told me otherwise. and i finally conclude that they have no repeat telecasts on SCTV. not that the search for any word that looks remotely like encore or repeat on that site told me anything. i should have just trusted that site which kinda tells me theres no repeat broadcasts.

the prospects of passing midyears looks reeeally dim now. lets see, not much left to cover. just bio and econs.

ALL of it. plus half of chem.

need not think about taking h3 anymore. aha. might just be a blessing in disguise.

i should think of half filled cups rather than half empty. even if it seems like its much less than half filled.
its much less stressful to just accept it and stop trying to cram everything into my head in one day. a 2 week ban from training will conserve me energy. >< style="font-style: italic;">messi looks a tad bit messy actually.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

its killing me. inside out.

times like these always makes me think about those choose-your-ending kinda storybooks i read when i was a kid. the kind that gives you several choices on what the main character does.. then you flip to that page. and you can always flip back to read what the other choices leads to.

with life, i can obviously only imagine. can't quite find the words to pen my thoughts down. its just that it feels quite hard to move on. just wanna let my buddies know, i think about yall all the time.

ON TO OTHER THINGS. kinda just got back from malaysia. about 4 days ago. from the expedition with the climbing club. the waterfall we hopped around on rocks across the water and trekked up for looked like a fairytale. the kind of fairytales bambi lives in. the mist, the trees, the grass... looks like the kind of backdrop they use in jurassic park movies too. without the lizards.

but the peak we trekked 5+++ hours up for was so.. nothing like what you would imagine would be like on a mountain top. the air was so still, the space so small, and everything around over the edges was white. it felt like we were in a film studio. with the background to be graphically inserted.

anw it feels good to be home. now everytime i wanna dream of a place i can dream of the waterfalls.