Thursday, December 13, 2018

Where am I now, Where I am now

Now it's nearing the end of the year. How is it that most people use this time for retrospection and reflection? Is it because Christmas and the New Year is coming? Christmas brings gatherings and thanksgivings. And the New Year brings new year resolutions and new beginnings.

As much as I think that time is a continuum (something continual, don't count me for the physics), I too fall into the retrospective mood.

It is a nice feeling. It started with a random search of a photo to post on instagram. A scroll through the phone and a random stop. It ended up being a photo of us happy travellers in the snowy mountain top somewhere in Ladakh, India (ST, Shu, myself and T.).  Playing among the falling snow :)

2018, I have a new family member
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I'll be having my very first niece too! (First direct/ nuclear family niece) It sure is exciting!

I can't wait to shift into my new house with T. and little T.

How my heart bursts with excitement and joy. And inevitably a little bit of trepidation on the changes that will come :)

I hope I still am able to stay spiritual, in spirit. Haha. Considering that I haven't exactly been meditating. Meditating doesn't have to be on the cushion right? Sometimes bad thoughts come, and I am able to bring awareness to it. I don't have to explain to myself why I have them. I can take steps to be mindful and strengthen my awareness :) (Or ability to step back and bring up awareness)


So now it's been about 2 years in my current household with all my lovely family-in-law members. I'm about to shift out, and hey. Am I to be happy or sad? ;)
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